Relevant Courses and Coursework:

MAR 3407: Integrated Marketing and Sales

Course Overview:

Students will demonstrate the ability to operate as a sales and marketing coordinator by analyzing and evaluating marketing and sales business scenarios to conceptualize an integrated marketing and sales plan with creative strategies and innovative tactics face-to-face and online in the Business-to-Consumers (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) markets.


Case 1: Semester long project where you created a company that manufactures a “sustainable” product or service and only sells Business to Business. For Case 1, we prepared a 3-minute PowerPoint presentation for the Orlando Chamber of Commerce

Case 1 FLOW BTTR Pptx
PowerPoint – 2.0 MB 26 downloads

Case 2: Identify the Target Market (Industry, Market & Location) for your company.

Case 2 Pptx
PowerPoint – 6.4 MB 27 downloads

Case 3: Identify the Positioning Statement & Value Proposition for your company.


Case 3 FLOW BTTR Pptx
PowerPoint – 2.5 MB 30 downloads

Case 4: Developed a Sales Plan for our Integrated Business Company. Each team will present for 10 minutes and 5 minutes for Q & A.

MAN 4583 - Project Management

Course Overview:

This course is designed to prepare students for a career in organizations that adopt the project model as a method of managing work. The course is based on the methodology of the Project Management Institute, which is considered the leading approach to project management in today’s business world. The methodology explained in this course can be applied to a wide variety of business models and industries.


Semester long group project where we developed a project to host a ice-rink at UCF. 


Case 1: Scope

1) Knights on Ice.pptx

Case 2: Schedule 

2) Deep Dive 2 (1).pptx

Case 3: Budget 

3)_Deep Dive 3.pptx

Project Management Plan: Comprehensive plan to submit to potential project sponsor and key stakeholders

 Final Project Management Plan.docx

GEB 4513 - Applied Business Technologies 

Course Overview:

The Applied Business Technology course will train students in strategic methodologies as they relate to technology consulting for small to medium sized firms. Students will be taught how to recognize, evaluate and integrate business technologies in order to help small firms create value, solve contemporary issues, and gain competitive advantage in what has become a tech-driven business environment.


HRIS Team Presentation:  Select one of the HRIS Systems discussed in the module and sell your boss (Me) that we need to acquire the system presented.

CRM Team Presentation: You and your team strategically select a CRM solution (search online), That will solve a strategic problem associated with customer relationship management for your teams assigned client

AI Presentation: Your team is assigned an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Presentation. The presentation needs to cover:   How will AI Enhance this Career Field,  How will AI Solve Problems in this Career Field,  and How AI will NOT replace the professionals in this Career Field

MAN 3302 - Human Resource Management for Integrated Business

Course Overview:

The course will be divided into six content units including human resource management basics, hiring employees, developing employees, compensating employees, motivating employees, and protecting employees.  In each of these units, students will review written and video materials prior to class meetings, practice applying the concepts and principles in class, and participate in evaluative assignments designed to show mastery of those concepts.  Larger themes that cross content units include adhering to legal requirements and aligning human resource strategies and practices with overall business strategies and functions.  In addition, many of the in-class activities and evaluative assignments will require students to work in small teams, make oral presentations, and produce a variety of short written products. 


EEO Presentation:  If you could put together a short (5-10 minute) audio-video presentation on one the employment protections covered under federal EEO laws, or even State of Florida EEO laws

Performance Appraisal: Complete a performance appraisal system for one job at C3PO.  To accomplish this, your team will need to:

1.  Describe at least two sources of information that you will use to evaluate employees in this job 

2.  Create an appraisal form that incorporates at least two different performance appraisal methods and is based on important duties found in this job's description 

3.  Complete the performance appraisal form for one employee at C3PO.  On this appraisal, you should note at least one behavior or performance aspect that is targeted for improvement and include a brief plan to improve that performance aspect.  Submit your description of the sources of information used and the completed appraisal form 

Job Analysis Methods: Your HR team needs to start developing a plan to conduct job analyses and use that information to create job descriptions to faciliate our ability to perform all other HR functions well.  Completing the following tasks will help get you started on that plan.

Team Leader Selection System: Develop a quantitative scoring system  for the Warehouse Team Leader at C3PO